Rally Obedience Coaching

How would you like to have feedback on your training and rally obedience performance. Well you've come to the right place! With my rally coaching you will receive valuable input and direction that will clean up your performance and improve your scores!


You will not only get my experience as a seasoned competitor but also the expertise of a Rally Obedience Licensed judge for the past 18 years! That's right, you will have a coach who is able to view your technique and performance from a judge's eye view, and who better to coach you on how to avoid deductions!?

Coaching Objectives:

Observation, Scoring and Feedback on your rally performance and exercise execution.

Help you to improve your scores and avoid deductions. 

OPTION 1: Virtual Video Review/Critique - Review of videos of practice runs or trial runs.  Videos, 4 minutes or less can be posted on dedicated Facebook page, You Tube or emailed.  Review/Critique will be emailed. 

Cost: $25/run Payment due with video submission.   

OPTION 2: Virtual Lesson - This is a 45 minute one on one private virtual lesson via ZOOM to problem solve or trouble shoot, review/score a run, or any other rally obedience related issue of your choosing.  

Cost: $50 Payment Virtual lessons are due upon scheduling.

For scheduling or more information, email:
